Weather for a Month

Highs and lows as recorded for:

Highs & Lows
High Low
Temperature 12.2°C on Sunday 1st at 16:42 1.8°C on Tuesday 3rd at 20:24
Heat Index 12.2°C on Sunday 1st at 16:42 1.8°C on Tuesday 3rd at 20:24
WindChill 12.2°C on Sunday 1st at 16:42 1.8°C on Tuesday 3rd at 20:24
Humidity 94% on Sunday 1st at 01:20 84% on Monday 2nd at 13:05
Dew Point 11.2°C on Sunday 1st at 16:31 0.7°C on Tuesday 3rd at 20:23
Barometer 1025.9mb on Tuesday 3rd at 19:22 1010.5mb on Monday 2nd at 05:29
Wind 17mph gust on Monday 2nd at 15:42
Rainfall 1mm on Sunday 1st, 1.8mm total rainfall for the month
Solar 144W/m2 on Monday 2nd at 11:52
UV 0 (Low)
Sunshine Hours 00:18 on Monday 2nd
Temperature for the Month
12.2°C 11.9°C 7.2°C 8.4°C 5.4°C 1.8°C 9.2°C 6.6°C 1.8°C 12.2°C 11.9°C 7.2°C
Wind for the Month
5 mph 7 mph 4 mph 15 mph 17 mph 12 mph
Barometric Pressure for the Month
1021.9 mb 1018.9 mb
Rainfall for the Month
1 mm 0.8 mm 0 mm
Solar and UV for the Month
0 Index 0 Index 0 Index 72 W/m2 144 W/m2 98 W/m2
Sunshine for the Month
6 Minutes 18 Minutes 18 Minutes